“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” -- Augustine of Hippo

Sunday, July 20, 2014

My Last Month Picture Style

Naty's Birthday Party
For my friend's birthday, a group of us went out to eat to a popular local restaurant. (They have the best sandwhiches in the world.)

Naty (the birthday girl) and Gaby

Me and my sandwhich

Naty, Gaby, Aim

Gaby, me

me, Claudia
Cake Project
A group of friends got together in Gaby's house to make cake. The way you make this particular cake is with chocolate bars around the outside to hold it together and filled with layers of whipped cream and ice cream and topped with chocolate. Really delicious. And fattening. There was a ton of leftover cream and we ended up eating it and then having a fight. 

Gaby cooking

Kamii and Naty

Gaby eating the leftover ice cream (I helped)

the cake before it went in the fridge

Gaby, me, Kamii


The inside of the cake

The Campout
We went to camp out at a friends house as a grade to celebrate the end of the semester and the start of the three week winter break. It was an awesome night but also very cold (15 degrees farenheit and without any of the proper winter gear) and the homeless dogs ate most of our food. I ended up sleeping inside the house with my friends and most other people came in in the early morning.

Kamii (without a jacket, she ended up being frozen a little later... the first time I've ever seen her get cold)

Claudia and Aim

A bunch of people piled together with sleeping bags to keep warm. 

Aim, Gaby, Kami, Me, Cony

Huddled around the fire to keep warm

Me, Cony, Gaby, Claudia, Gaby, Aim, Kami

AFS hosted a goodbye party for me, Antonia, and Dion, giving us AFS Puerto Natales shirts and talking about the pleasure it was to share time with us. Then we all went to Antonia's surprise goodbye party. (Her two closest friends came to the AFS goodbye party and told her that she needed to go with them immediately because another friend had been in an accident and was in the hospital. Antonia went with them and ended up in the countryside walking into the room where we were all hiding.)
Antonia, me, Aim, Dion

Antonia, Aim

Antonia, me

the exchange students and volunteers

sitting at the table, Antonia, me, Aim

A bad picture, but it doesn't matter

The girls with our t-shirts

my family

Hanging Out-- Natales and Completos
Went out to walk downtown and eat completos with my friends. 

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